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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Football Speech Sound Practice

This is a great way to practice your speech sounds.  Search in the picture for the different football themed items and write the number you find at the bottom.  As you find a picture, practice words with your speech sound that number of times.  Click HERE for a printable copy or check out the picture below.

Sign Language - Help

Here is a new sign to add to your vocabulary - HELP!  Make a thumbs up with one hand and place it in the palm of your other hand.  Then, slide both hands up for help.

New Word of the Week - Help

Our new word of the week is help.  This is a very functional and powerful word and can easily be incorporated into any setting or activity.  See the handout below for examples of way to incorporate this word into your day to day activities.  A copy of this will be coming home tomorrow!

Theme for the Week of February 1st

Hey guys!  I am super excited for this week.  We are going to learn more about one of my favorite events.  Try this week's riddle to figure out what that event is.

I come once a year on a Sunday.
I bring team's biggest fans.
I happen in a bowl.
What am I?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Different App

Parents, if you have a tablet at home, I found a great app to work on same vs. different at home.  The app is called Autism iHelp - Same and Different.  Click HERE for a link to learn more about this app.


Olaf Speech Sounds

Practice your speech sounds while bringing Olaf to life.  Either draw your own Olaf outline or print out the picture below.  Roll a dice (or number pieces of paper from 1 to 6 and draw a number), practice your speech sound that number of times, and then add the body part to Olaf.


Following Directions Snowman

Following directions is a very functional skill in school and at home.  Practice this skill with a parent, friend, or sibling with this snowman following directions activity.  Click HERE for the sheet with the directions or look at the picture below.

Winter Idioms!

Try these winter themed idioms.  Remember an idiom is a type of figurative language.  Figurative Language is a word or phrase that does not have its normal, everyday literal meaning.  Instead, writer's use figurative language to make their stories more interesting.  Try as many of these idioms as you can.

to break the ice

the snowball effect

to get cold feet

on thin ice

Theme for the Week of January 19th

Hope everyone had a great long weekend!  Here is this week's riddle.  Leave a comment for a guess! Remember there is no bad guess!

I waddle around.
I love the Artic breeze.
You can find me on land or underwater.
Who am I?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Sneezy the Snowman

I have a new favorite winter book - Sneezy the Snowman!  It has been so fun reading it this week and working on our sequencing activity.  Here are a couple of questions for you to answer related to our story.  Try to answer as many as you can and leave a comment with your answer!

1. What does SHIVER mean?
2. Why did Sneezy the Snowman keep melting?
3. What helped Sneezy from continuing to melt?
4. If you were Sneezy the Snowman, what would you do to stay warm?

Monday, January 11, 2016

Sign of the Week - Different

As we are teaching these core vocabulary words, we like to immerse them in the language.  Sometimes as I say the vocabulary word, I will pair it with the sign as well.  The picture below shows how to make the sign for different.

Laundry Game to Teach Different

I wanted to share an awesome game that we are using this week.  It is called Silly Socks Game.  I found it at Ollie's but it can also be found on Amazon.  The game lets the students pull out socks and determine if they are the same or DIFFERENT.  Also, we are working on putting the socks back IN the laundry or IN our basket.  It is also a great turn taking game.  I am posting a picture of the game below.

New Word of the Week - Different

Hi parents and families!  We are starting a new word of the week - different.  Today, I will be sending home a handout with different ideas on how to incorporate this word (see below if you need another look).

Tip for the week: Try matching socks with your child while you are working on the laundry.  Pick out two that are different and use this vocabulary.  Then, find two that are the same and use the words matching and same to show the difference.  Finally, let them try picking out two socks that are different or the same.


Theme for the Week of January 11th

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Try this riddle to determine our theme for the week.

I do not enjoy the sun.
I can only visit in the winter.
I am very white, except for my nose.
Who am I?

Monday, January 4, 2016

Who? What? Where?

I want to know WHO you saw over break, WHAT you did over break, and WHERE you went over break.  Leave a comment with your answers!

New Year! New Resolutions!

With a new year comes new resolutions.  We are going to think of New Year's resolutions in speech.  A resolution is a decision we make to make us better in some way.  We are going to think of resolutions for school, our health, family, friendships, kindness, and speech.  Our board is ready for all of our speech resolutions.  I am excited to see what resolutions we have for speech in 2016!

***If you think of other New Year's resolutions you would like to share, add them in a comment.***

Welcome Back (and riddle)!

Hope everyone had a great winter break!  I know I enjoyed time with my family.  In replace of a riddle to determine our theme this week, I thought we should try a riddle to determine what Miss Clark got over break.  See if you can figure it out!

I like to travel on the road.
I play music through my speakers.
I have lights on my head and my tail.
What am I?