I wanted to share a picture of our new fall themed bulletin board. Hidden in the leaves are 4 different items that belong in the fall category. See if you can find them. Leave a comment below with all 4 items and receive a special prize!
I found this amazing video that depicts the importance of modeling language not only with our verbal students but also our non-verbal students. Our students learn language from others whether it is by hearing their language (for verbal students) or seeing language built (for non-verbal students). Check out this animated video!
Our first core vocabulary word is STOP. Here is a handout that gives more ideas on how this word can be used naturally. A copy of this was also sent home with your student.
Other ideas include:
Pointing out the stop sign as the car comes to a stop. You can contrast with the opposite GO as the car starts to move again.
When they show they are done with an activity, model STOP _______ (whatever the activity is) and pair with the visual if needed.
When putting water in the bathtub, say STOP when there is enough water.
If a sibling or a friend is doing a behavior that is "annoying", model using the word stop for them to discontinue the "annoying" behavior.
For my students who are working on building their language, utterance length, or assistive technology, we are excited to start back up our core vocabulary of the week.
Here is a little more about core vocabulary and why it is important: