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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Theme for the Week of February 27th

Try this week's riddle to figure out our new theme.

I grow tall from the ground.
Without me you would have nothing to write on.
Birds find me home.
What am I?

Sign Language - PUSH

Here is how you make PUSH in sign language.

Core Word of the Week - PUSH

We started introducing our new core vocabulary target last week which is PUSH. We will continue using this word this week. Check out the PUSH handout below.

Our students have particularly enjoyed listening and participating in the reading of the book - Don't Push the Button. If you want to use this book at home, you can check out the video below.

Dental Health Week in Speech

This past week, we learned more about dental health and the importance while working on our speech goals. We read the book You Think It's Easy being the Tooth Fairy, checked out some cool videos/songs, made a toothbrush with our speech sounds that will be great for practice, brushed a hippos teeth with an online game (click HERE), and played a tooth dice game.


Reasons We Love Speech!

A little delayed...but we wrote down some of the reasons we love speech during our Valentine's themed weeks. Check out some of the responses.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Theme for the Week of February 20th

Hi guys! Try out this week's riddle for our theme of the week.

I am pearly white.
I need to be brushed two times a day.
I help you eat.
What am I?


Thursday, February 16, 2017

Minute to Win It - Valentine's Edition

I wanted to share the fun we have been having this week while playing Minute to Win It - VALENTINE'S EDITION.  After the students worked hard on all of their speech goals, they earned a chance to battle it out in one of our two different Minute to Win It games.

First, we did lots of practice using our Valentine's Day slingshot game. Click HERE!

In this first game, the students had to sift through rice to find conversation hearts. The challenge was they had to do this with tweezers and with one hand behind their back.


Later in the week, we play Heart-a-Stack by stacking as many conversation hearts as we could in one minute.

Here is our Minute to Win It timer if you want to try these at home.

Valentine's Idioms

Try using these three Valentine's Day idioms in a sentence OR explain their meaning.

Bleeding Love

Apple of My Eye

Two Peas in a Pod

Theme for the Week on February 13th

Hi guys! Try this riddle to figure out a word that relates to our theme of the week.

I am a color.
You may turn this color when you get mad.
You may use this color to color a heart or apple.
What color am I?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Core Vocabulary - Different

For our next core vocabulary target, we are using one of our review words from last year which may be new to some which is DIFFERENT.

Below is a handout that shows different ways to use the word DIFFERENT naturally throughout the day.

You can use this online potato head game (click HERE) or a real potato head toy to make choices and put DIFFERENT things on the potato head. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Theme for the Week of February 6th

Hi friends! Give this week's riddle a shot to figure out our theme for this week.

I go thump, thump.
I am a body part in your chest.
I am the shape of love.
What am I?