About Me

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Speech Sound Challenge!!

Try this challenge! When you are at home, riding down the road, reading a book, or in your classroom, find at least 5 words with your speech sound that you can practice.  Leave a comment with the list of words and you may get a special treat! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Room on the Broom Sequencing

Check out the fun sequencing activity we have been working on this week to go with our book Room on the Broom!

Expanding Expressions

One language goal that many children work on is describing objects or pictures using more details.  We have a special tool to help called the EET (Expanding Expressions Tool).  The main component of this program is a worm with different colored parts that slide on a string (see the picture below).  Each color represents a different attribute when describing an object or picture.  As the kids learn what the different colors represent, they can describe an object or picture with that particular attribute as they slide up that color on the EET worm.

This is what it looks like.

And here is what each color means.

To try it out at home, I am attaching a simple worksheet where the kids can color in each of the circles to match the colors on our EET worm.  You can pick a common object at your house (i.e. phone or couch) and your child can fill in the blanks to describe the given object.  Give it a try using this link EET Practice Sheet.  You can leave a comment with the object you describe.

Room on the Broom Activity

This week, many groups have been reading the book Room on the Broom.  Leave a comment with three words to describe a broom.  Think about what category it belongs in, what it does, what it looks like, and what are the parts.  You can also comment with your favorite part from the book.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Theme for the Week of October 26th

This week in speech, things are getting spoooooookkkkyyyy! Solve this riddle if you dare to figure out the theme for next week! Don't forget to leave a comment with your guess.

I have a pet cat.
I travel through the sky.
My laugh may make your skin crawl.
Who am I? 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Roll a Pumpkin Game

We had so much fun today "Rolling a Pumpkin" with this fun and easy game.  I am adding a picture of it for you to play and practice your speech sounds at home.  If the picture is hard to see, click HERE!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Thank You Sparkleberry Fair!

A huge thank you to the Sparkleberry County Fair for their generosity towards Richland Two.  This year, the Sparkleberry County Fair donated $15,000 to our district in teacher grants for class projects.  I am so excited to be a recipient this year.  I hope the money from my grant will allow me to make a greater impact on the children I serve.  Click Sparkleberry County Fair to see more on the district website.  Don't forget to visit the Sparkleberry County Fair in April 2016!

All recipients with the check!

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Last week, we had lots of fun reading Amelia Bedelia's First Apple Pie and making an apple puzzle that will be a great practice tool.  We used context clues to figure out the idioms Amelia Bedelia encounters like who is "Granny Smith."  At the end of the book, Amelia Bedelia included a recipe for apple pie.  I will add a picture of the recipe below.  Baking or cooking with your child can be a very rich language experience including practice following directions.  Don't forget what Amelia Bedelia's grandfather told her "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Articulation vs. Language

I found this handout that does a great job explaining the difference between an articulation disorder and language disorder.  I wanted to share it with you because it can be confusing.  Click Articulation vs. Language and the handout will open.

Theme for the Week of October 19th

Hope everyone had a great weekend! I added a new riddle below.  See if you can figure it out!  Don't forget to leave a comment with your guess.

I glow at night.
My face may be scary or silly.
You can decide.
What am I?

Happy Boss's Day!

On Friday, speech celebrated our amazing administration team at Langford and the district lead SLP.  We are so thankful for all they do for our school, district, and community!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Guess Our Theme for the Week

Hope everyone stayed safe this week!  We are starting a new theme in speech on Monday.  I am going to give you some hints.  Leave a comment with your guess.

I grow on a tree.
You can find a star inside me.
I am sweet and sometimes sour.
What am I?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Free Books!!!

I wanted to share a great resource that I love to use with all of my speech kids.  If you have an ipad or android device, you can download this great app called EPIC!  You sign up by making a free account.

With this app, you have access to hundreds of free books.  The kids can search for books they are interested in and the app will make suggestions based on books your child has recently read using the app.  Click EPIC! website to learn more.

Fall Artic Practice

Many of the kids with articulation goals worked on a Fall See & Say worksheet this week (see example below).  This week, use it to practice their artic sounds for 5-10 minutes each night.

The kids can roll a dice they find in a game you already have.  If you do not have a dice, rip up and number six pieces of paper with the numbers 1-6 and have them draw a number from a cup.  After they draw/roll a number, they can practice all the words in that column.  Have fun practicing!

Fall in Love with Speech!

Fall arrived last week in speech.  The kids got to paint a puzzle piece using fall colors to add to our class bulletin board.  As soon as the kids heard the word PAINT, they were ecstatic!  The kids did an AMAZING job.  Here is our new fall bulletin board...

* Ask your kids what the idiom "Fall in Love" means

Game On!

A sports theme took over our speech room a couple of weeks ago.  We read Miss Nelson Has a Field Day, Little Football, and Little Baseball.  The best part was making our football players.  The kids had a great time assembling their football players as they worked on their speech and language goals.  You can check out our work in the pictures below!

From Beginning to End

I learned that there is sooooo much that goes into setting up a classroom.  I am very thankful for my family and friends who came by to help me make my speech room a warm and inviting room for all of my speech kids.  Here is a peek into the beginning and end result of our hard work!

About Miss Clark

Welcome to my new speech blog!  Here is a little about me...

I am beyond excited to re-join the Langford family.  I was a speech intern at Langford this past spring.

I am from Jefferson, SC (a very small town).  I am the oldest of three girls.  I was raised a diehard Gamecock fan.  I went to USC for my undergrad (Early Childhood Education) and graduate degree (Speech-Language Pathology).  I absolutely love SPEECH!  I cannot wait for an exciting year as a Langford Lab!

Contact Info:

Below is a copy of my introduction letter if you missed it!