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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Theme for the Week of September 26th

Hi guys! Here is this week's riddle...

I have seeds at my core.
I am delicious and round.
I hang out in a tree.
What am I?

Pirates Treasure Game

Hi Parents! Last week, we talked about pirates and read the book "How I Became a Pirate." We also played a simple pirate treasure game this past week that is easy to recreate at home. The students would close their eyes as I hid gold coins (gold coin chocolates) under the cups with pirate ship cutouts attached. For each piece of gold found, the student had to practice their speech targets that many times. 

This activity was also used with my students who use PECS. The students were able to use their PECS book to tell me which pirate ship they wanted to look under.  For the students on a higher level of PECS, they could comment by saying how many pieces of gold they found. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Apples on Top Speech Groups

Check out all our fun last week focusing on the book "Ten Apples up on Top".

We started out with a song version of the book. See the video below to watch it at home. Each student got to hold an apple and place one more on top of the different animals as more apples appeared in the story.  Once the book was finished, we counted the apples on each animal and made comparisons (which had the most or least?).

Then, we completed the motor lab with our OT, Mrs. Ellis. After the motor lab, we broke into different stations.  

At one station, we picked apples (made of pipe cleaners) and a magnetic magical want in a sensory bin of beans. We were then able to tell how many apples we picked or what size (example: "I pick big apple"). We also got to put on apple scented lotion if we wanted and smell it.

At another station, we made an apple craft to go with our story using the letters in our name. We were able to request what color apples we wanted and then tell how many apples were "on top" of our head. 

At our last station, we worked on core strength with Mrs. Ellis by reaching and picking apples from a tree while sitting on a therapy ball and making apples using theraputty to stack on top of each other.

We had a great time with apples this week in our speech and OT groups. We will continue with our apple theme next week!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Theme for the Week of September 19th

Ahoy Matey! Try this week's riddle.

You can find me at sea.
I have a hook for an arm.
I love collecting coins (especially gold).
Who am I?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping

So far this week, we have had so much fun reading Scaredy Squirrel Goes Camping and talking about the things we would need to bring for a camping trip.

****Please comment below with 2 things you would bring on your camping trip.  

Also, you can check out our story at home using this video LINK.


Here are a few of our Scaredy Squirrel drawings.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Welcome Letter 16-17

Just in case anyone missed getting a copy of this year's newsletter or misplaced their copy, click HERE to download it or check out the picture below.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Theme for the Week of September 12th

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Check out the riddle below for this week's theme.

I am an adventure you go on outdoors.
You use a sleeping bag and lantern of me.
You may go fishing and make a fire.
What am I?

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sweet Speech Groups!

Today, we had an amazing time building language skills while working with all things sweet!  Our school's awesome OT, Mrs. Ellis, helped out too.  First, we started out with a fun song with different sweets.  Watch this video at home and practice answering YES or NO.

After the video we completed a motor lab with Mrs. Ellis.  Then, we began our different stations of sweet themed activities.  See the pictures below to see all the fun tasks we completed.

Station 1: Scooping ice-cream (cotton balls) and using tongs to pick out sprinkles (sparkly pom-poms) while working on the language targets more + sprinkles or more + ice cream.

 Station 2: Practice writing our name, spreading puffy paint (mixture of shaving creme, glue, and glitter) on our cupcake as icing while targeted asking for icing and help.

Station 3: Writing our name in the gumballs and requesting which color dabbers wanted to make our gumball machine.

It was truly a great and busy day in SPEECH!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Chick-fil-A Night

Chick-fil-A is definitely one of my favorite restaurants. Don't forget Langford is hosting a Chick-fil-A Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A on Killian Road - Tuesday, September 13th.  This event is from 5-8.  All you have to do is let the cashier know you are there to support Langford before you order!

Langford's PTO is hosting a contest to see which classroom has the most participation.  The winning 2 classes will get a popsicle party during recess.

Theme for the Week of September 6th

It was so "sweet" to see so many of you at open house last Thursday and enjoy sweet snacks.  Here is this week's riddle.

I fit in a tin plate.
I am crusty.
My inside is made of fruit.
What am I?