About Me

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you to all the students/parents who returned the Medicaid form I sent home with report cards! If you still have them, please still send them in.

***If you do not have Medicaid, please still fill it out and send it in. On the line that asks for Medicaid number just write N/A.

Theme for the Week of November 14th

Hi guys! Here is this week's theme. It is a little tricky, so think very hard.

I grow on a vine. 
I am normally green or yellow.
You can make me in a casserole for Thanksgiving.
My name rhymes with "wash."
What am I?

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Theme for the Week of October 31st

Give this week's riddle a shot.

I occur once a year in November.
On this day you make an important choice.
You must be 18 years old to participate.
What am I?